The Protector (2005)
Thai fighting is great!
2 April 2007
My goodness… This film was just great… There were a few little cheesy things, as well as some pretty bad acting, but all in all a great film… There were some very VERY impressive camera shots, and the fighting scenes were nothing more than spectacular! The story starts from when a Thai child is being brought up to show respect to, and protect the family's pet elephants. In Thailand a very long time ago, elephants were said to the animal that gave the great kings their power. So, they had their finest worriers protect them from being hurt in any way. When the child grows up and his elephants end up being taken from him, he vows to get them back by any means necessary.

This film has some of the best Martial Arts scenes I've ever seen, and all with no cords, stunt doubles, or CGI!! If you just want to see some people get plowed by a fairly small man, watch this movie! Apparently size doesn't matter after all
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