" 'Allo, 'Allo"
2 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Meanwhile,over at the Cafe Rene,Herr Flick of the Gestapo was conducting a thorough search for the stolen picture "Portrait of the Fallen Madonna With the Big Boobies"......... How the Germans lost the war I'll never know.Apparently the USAAF was composed of idiots who couldn't find their way across the channel without a telescope and a sniffer dog,whilst the Luftwaffe consisted of gimlet - eyed philosophers able to argue for hours about how many angels could be fitted on the head of a pin. The French were either girls with low - cut peasant blouses or beret - toting farmers hugger - mugger with Fritz. Mark Stevens is cast presumably for his slight resemblance to Cary Grant in the dark with the light behind him.His airforce officer is marginally less stupid than his companions and realises that his captors are trying to get information out of him. If this film is in any way based on fact,were I a German of a certain age I would demand a recount.
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