good cult classic
6 April 2007
With all due respect to the other comments, I have seen and enjoyed this film for many years; originally in l958. Like most AIP pics of the time, for me, they were well produced and surprisingly, well acted. Yes, it does resemble another great cult classic film, I was a Teen-Age Werewolf' a silly title,for what is a very good movie, given Micheal Landon at the start of his career. "Blood of Dracula" has some good horror vets, Malcolm Atterbury, Louise Lewis and Richard Devon. I never saw a hint of 'lesbianism' just a very con- trolling Doctor/scientist, and I find the song "Puppy" love rather corny, but cute. These movies relied on atmosphere and imagination, unlike today's gore, blood and guts, I say to 'each his own'I just don't like to see these movies 'belittled' when they do have, and merit artistic talent.
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