"Pretty soon we'll all be dead so forget it." Disappointing Godzilla film.
8 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Gojira tai Hedora, or alternatively either Godzilla vs. Hedora or Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster as it's more commonly known amongst English speaking audiences, starts as a huge space monster that has grown to an enormous size by consuming Earth's pollution makes itself know to the world by attacking & sinking a couple of tankers in a Japanese bay. Scientist Dr. Yano (Akira Yamauchi) & his annoying family are determined to stop the creature that has been named Hedora by his young son Ken (Hiroyuki Kawase), Hedora changes shape & size as it works it's way across Japan spreading a deadly toxic mist which kills & corrodes as the pollution it feeds on only makes it bigger & stronger. Then Godzilla turns up & decides to defend japan against Hedora & the two monsters find themselves in a fight to the death...

This Japanese production was the eleventh Godzilla film made by Toho studios, co-written & directed by Yoshimitsu Banno this is actually a pretty weak entry. The script by Banno & Takeshi Kimura is not particularly subtle in the way it tries to get it's social & moral message about the danger's of pollution, this is very simplistic by-the-the-numbers childish plotting that repeatedly beats the viewers head with the basic premise pollution is bad. Well to be frank I think you'll have to have been living in a cave for the past thirty odd years not to know that anyway so as a film with a message it's very dated. Then there's the fact that this is a Japanese Godzilla film & even as one of those Gojira tai Hedorah isn't that great, the fights are weak & unimaginative & the human character's are rubbish with Dr. Yano seemingly the only person in the entire world who wants to do something about the Smog Monster & he is confined to bed injured for the majority of the film. To it's credit I liked the Smog Monster itself, it moves along at a nice pace is isn't boring if nothing else. There are better Godzilla films out there so this one is probably one for the fans or if your very bored.

Director Banno doesn't do anything special, the fights aren't the most exciting & that kid Ken is probably one of the most annoying character's I've seen in a while although luckily he completely disappears about halfway through the film. The scene when Godzilla flies is just plain embarrassing & what the hell are those cartoon interludes all about? Then there's a hallucinatory bizarre sequence set in a Japanses nightclub which has be been seen & heard to be believed along with a 'groovy' party set on Mount Fuji by some Japanese teenagers & who the hell were those dirty faced people spying on them from behind the bushes?! Oh & the opening titles rip-off the style used by the James Bond films. The special effects are no better or worse than any other Godzilla film I suppose although I thought the Smog Monster looked quite good as the reptile thing with slimy dripping tendril's & giant glowing red eyes but when it's shaped like a flying saucer gliding through the air it looks odd & somewhat silly to say the least. This is one strange film overall with some bizarre film-making decisions & techniques.

Technically the film is alright, the 2:35:1 widescreen photography is nice enough if you can see it that way although the dubbing is absolutely terrible & I have to mention the annoying music which I thought was awful. Since it was shot in Japanese it's hard to tell about the original performances.

Gojira tai Hedora is a pretty weak Godzilla film, it doesn't have the fun or entertainment value of many other films from the series. I consider myself a Godzilla film fan & even I found this disappointing.
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