What an overrated piece of crap this is!
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I love shock comedy. I have Orgasmo, Team America, and South Park in my DVD library. I usually buy the shows from Adult Swim as well. I'm sweet for the most vile and disgusting humor imaginable (including a horrid flick entitled "Porn of the Dead" given to me as a joke last year), but this movie was simply pathetic. The jokes were predictable and unfunny, the plot was threadbare and weak, and the only reason I think anybody likes this movie is simply because it's got an imitation Kermit the Frog on smack and a cat bl*wing a walrus. Why is this tripe a cult classic? Is this what constitutes groundbreaking originality? Ha-Freakin-Ha. That was sarcasm.

The "hero" of this 97 minute long fecal log is an obnoxious, whining, self-pitying pink hippo who can't stop stuffing bakery cakes down her gullet long enough to figure out why nobody likes her anymore. Sure, her walrus boyfriend is cheating on her, but besides the degradation of both her stage career and her body (of which both things are certainly her own fault), there is nothing else wrong in her life. Somehow, this justifies the machine-gun slaughter of all the folks she knows. This mass murdering Hippo (whose character is a blatant ripoff of Hoppopotomus on that 80's cartoon "The Wuzzles") serves only ten years in prison at the end, as if her inverted sadness excuses her heinous crimes. Sure, the "bad guy" of a Walrus and his hustling rat pal are dead, but so are a whole bunch of one-note characters that we barely heard from during the movie at all, and simply didn't deserve to die at the Hippo's hands. Usually, I giggle at mass-murder vengeance in movies (if the killer is righteous, ala Frank Castle), but this stupid, selfish, gluttonous hippo just makes the almost-cool end of this insufferable film all the more detestable.

From the very boring musical number at the beginning to the brainlessly unsatisfying end, there is nothing worth writing about that happened in between. (Well, maybe the sodomy song, but other than that....)

Peter Jackson: King Kong, Frighteners, LOTR....all GREAT movies. The only redeeming quality to this stupid Feeble flick is the credits, 'cause that means the torture is finally over. Which "walrus" did you play the "cat" with to find work again after this?

Avoid this unimaginative sewage at all costs.
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