Somtime murder is necessary to maintain credibility
6 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(There are Spoilers) After getting his fill of killing in Vietnam rough and tumble combat vet David Miller, John Schneider, chose to be a man of the clothe, a Protestants minister, to make amends for his life as a cold blooded and heartless killer in the service of his country. Back in the states David gets married to sweet and beautiful Gail, Meg Register,and has a cute little daughter Kim, Joey Peters,as he tries to forget his violent past. It's not that long when David's past catches up with him when waiting for a flight at the Rome Airport both Gail & Kim are gunned down in a wild shootout by a gang of Arab terrorists lead by a sneering and seedy looking Ali Aboud ,Robert Miano, who David becomes obsessed with in his attempt to find and get revenge, by knocking him off.

Milling over what to do David decides to take a leave of absence from his church telling his boss Rev. Hughes, George Kenndey, that he has to have some time to think things over. What David really wants to do is get his groove, killer instinct, back. Going to see his former army buddy and fellow Vietnam vet the hard as nails Col. Freeman, James Tolkan, David wants him to whip him into shape and get him ready to do combat with the bad guys in battle torn Lebanon where David found out Ali's operating out of.

A lot of shooting and explosions in the film with David also getting captured by the Ali Gang and tortured unmercifully to get out of him the reason why he's in Lebanon and who exactly, in the US government, he works for. It later turns out that Ali****SPOILERS**** himself is a CIA operative who's controlled, together with Col. Freeman, by this shady looking character who's cover is that of a State Department paper pusher the mysterious and shifty eyed Mr. Whiteside, Yephet Kotto. Ali trying to put on a happy, or terrorist, face has trouble controlling those under his command like the very horny Al-Hassen, Daniel Radell. Al-Hassen screws everything up by instead of guarding one of David's fellow freedom fighter the sexy daughter of Rev. Bloor (Ned Beatty), also a CIA operative, Zareh (Apollonia Kotero) he attempts to rape her! This causes Al-Hassen to end up with his pants pulled down and Zareh escaping; after she whacked the overly eager, to get himself laid, Al-Hassan over the head with his own gun.

David having trouble pulling the trigger, he still didn't get over his experiences in the Vietnam War, almost lets the hated Ali Aboud get away until Col. Freeman suddenly pops up, literally from the dead, to save Ali from getting shot only to have Ali shoot him instead! Col. Freeman messed up when he wouldn't shoot, as he was ordered by Mr. Whiteside, David which in effect cost him his life. The entire screen now lights up with Ali, now completely out of his head, setting off a cave full of explosives blowing up the entire set and finally putting an end to this, the movie, insanity.

In the end David again decides to leave the church, didn't he leave it already?, to go on a journey of awakening and self-discovery in order for him to find out just why he was foolish enough to get himself involved with a movie like "Ministry or Vengeance"; and if it was really the Devil that made him do it in the first place.
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