Excellent Doc(Mock)umentary on human race... especially...the French...
7 April 2007
I'm not a big fan of Bernard Werber, but I have read some of his books... And since my Girlfriend is one of his huge fans, I had the opportunity to meet him and see this film in Belgium at the Belgian International Festival of Fantasy Film... And I must say that it is one great and excellent movie, there are no SFX (except the credits), Blood or anything like that, maybe some sexual dialogs, but in a humoristic way... If you like the SATIRE/PARODY genre... don't miss it...

The movie is narrated by an alien (voiced by Pierre Arditi) observing the human race and comparing it to their own kind... The story is about two couples, one on earth and the other in a prison sort of cube for observation, held like animals in a cage... I wont spoil or reveal anything more... But It is a movie to see, especially if you are looking for a Documentary on the FRENCH... and not the human race...

I give this a 10 out of 10 or the Humor, the satire, and especially about everyday things that we have forgotten ourselves....
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