100% Arabica (1997)
Very nice movie
15 April 2007
No, it does not deserve a 10 if you talk in absolute terms (probably not even an 8!), but it's a very light-hearted nice movie which makes its point in a non-over the top way. Of course, I did not pick this movie up to laugh, but rather because I saw the faces of Khaled and Cheb Mami on the cover of the DVD. Khaled is probably the most well-known Rai singer all over the world, ever since his 'Didi' became an international hit. For me, however, the most captivating Rai singer is Cheb Mami, the prince of Rai. I have been a big fan of his ever since I heard his "Desert Rose" with Sting, which was only reinforced since I heard him with Zucchero in "Cosi Celeste".

This movie is both humorous and satirical at the same time, and that is the most vital ingredient of the movie. It's more like a long-running sitcom with many episodes that rely heavily on, more than anything else, situational comedy. I do not mean anything negative by it though! Many of the episodes shown in the movie are stories one hears about any tough neighborhood in a major city, anywhere in the world. Khaled is definitely not an actor; he is stiff and he often smiles (or tries hard to suppress his smile) on camera, and Cheb Mami also looks visibly uneasy trying to act, but those are minor points.

I would have liked to see Sting as the Social Security Ispector and Zucchero as the band manager, but that is probably asking too much. So for the time being, I am satisfied with the movie.
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