Ashley Judd carries the movie...
16 April 2007
Ashley Judd is very beautiful and apt for this role. The way she characterizes a wife,a mother and an victim is too good. Hats off to Ashley Judd. After Elizabeth Taylor ,I like the acting skill of this fine women. Ppl - watch this movie.Its a nice dose of suspense,romance and dose of other emotions as well and Ashley Judd did her best. The story is subtle. Good screen play. Good direction. All in all good investment of time. Watch it for Ashley.They say that this movie has some issue in the legal interpretation of some legal point but I think that it has no relevance to the movie in so far as the way the screen play is done.I believe that the movie doesn't weigh on that interpretation alone as the climax just sinks into us without that gravity. I personally think though the story is good,Ashley carried it excellently well and an extremely delicate one at that. Infinite thanks to this beauty of an actor and a person. Thanks all.
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