The Wild Wild West: The Night of the Raven (1966)
Season 2, Episode 3
Li'l Agent
17 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Especially wild even for this series, "The Night Of The Raven" has Dr. Loveless inventing a formula that can reduce any exposed subject to the size of a gerbil. When West smokes a cigar treated with this drug, the secret service man shrinks down to 6 inches in height. An Indian princess (Phyliss Newman) being held captive by Loveless is also miniaturized, and together West and the girl get to sit on a table between two giant candlesticks as the Dr. and Antoniette do their customary musical number.

There's not much that really works about the story until West starts interacting with the now giant environment around him. Thanks to the artistry of the set designers who built some impressive over-sized props, the best moments include:

West being chased by a huge rolling 8 ball;

a gargantuan house cat;

and an obstacle in the form of a man-sized mouse trap.

It's all pretty absurd but surprisingly exciting as long as you don't ask too many logical questions, like, for example:

-why does the strand of spider webbing West uses for a rope not stick to his flesh as you'd expect it would to a fly?

-when West steals a sip of the restorative formula, how come his clothes also return to normal size? Maybe Arte invented some extra stretchy clothes for Jim to wear just in case a problem like miniaturization were ever to arise.

No, "WWW"'s writers couldn't always be bothered trying to figure out solutions to these roadblocks in logic. Instead, they just filled episodes with action galore and hoped we'd be too entertained to ask such questions, and to be fair, most of the time their strategy worked.
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