On the whole though a very good film but too many plot loopholes.
19 April 2007
The scale is immense, the cinematography is absolutely stunning, the bright colours of the palace and the dark drab colours outside the palace superb, the feeling of claustrophobia and inescapable doom is completely tangible – I thought the relentless calling of the hours an excellent touch, the action very good (though I have to say that that sort of action now hold no surprises for me but it was, at the very least, up to par). The acting was extremely good – I am a huge Chow Yun-Fat fat but I thought all the cast were very good and played their multidimensional characters (probably the lurking, petulant Prince Yu - played by Qin Junjie – was the weakest).

What let it down for me were all the plot loopholes and loose strings – not that I object to a film leaving you wondering why? Or what happened next? However there appeared to me (and to my friends) too much of the background that was not explained (I don't want to go into details as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet).

On the whole though a very good film.
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