Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part One (1975)
Season 12, Episode 17
"I don't want to lose my arm, I'm rather attached to it." Great start to a good story.
19 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part 1 starts as after the events of the previous story Genesis of the Daleks where the time ring is supposed to reunite the Doctor (Tom Baker) & his friends Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) & Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) with the TARDIS on the space station Nerva Beacon, however it sends them too far back in time before the TARDIS is there. However according to the Doctor this is a temporary problem & the TARDIS will catch up with them soon. They decide to explore & find that a mysterious plague has killed most of the crew, they meet Commander Stevenson (Ronald Leigh-Hunt) who explains that they are there to warn passing space freighters about a newly discover satellite that orbits Jupiter & that most of his crew have fallen to the plague. The Doctor becomes convinced that other more sinister forces are at work & he is determined to get to the bottom of it...

This Doctor Who adventure was episode 17 from season 12 that aired here in the UK during mid 1975 & was the final story from Tom Baker's first season, directed by Michael E. Briant Revenge of the Cybermen seems to get treated pretty harshly but I have to say it's a story I really rather like. The script by Gerry Davis has the usual Doctor Who traits, the Doctor & his companions stumble across a sinister plan & become involved so in that respect it's nothing original but I like the story even though it hasn't really kept that much back. Already after this opening episode we know who the human traitor is, we have already seen the Cybermen & we already know what has caused the plague so while it has moved along like a rocket I'm not sure there's much left of the story to tell. Still, like most Doctor Who stories it's great fun & provides good solid sci-fi entertainment.

After more than six years the Cybermen return to Doctor Who with a slight costume change, I admit the Cybermen are my favourite Doctor Who monster & I really like how they look here although they were completely redesigned again for their next appearance in Earthshock (1982) during season 19 with Peter Davison.

Revenge of the Cybermen is a story I actually like probably because it's well made & feature my favourite Doctor Tom Baker against my favourite monsters the Cybermen, I reckon it's well worth a watch.
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