Fun, colorful, and humorous
19 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After the apparent "suicide" of a police officer, a mysterious, and yet strangely powerful, gangster appears on the street and quickly gets himself involved with the local yakuza crimelords. Seems Jo, as his name is, has a bone to pick with whoever really killed his police officer friend, and in the process inflame gang warfare and let the mobsters kill each other in their confusion.

This strange but highly entertaining flick operates on a lot of different levels. At worst it's like a very glossy exploitation film; at best it's ultra-colorful film noir without the high contrast lighting. And while the movie won't necessarily keep you guessing, it's still pretty exciting as Jo maneuvers his way through the crime ranks, strutting and flaunting his expertise the entire way through. It's like a Japanese James Bond, only good! Also, this movie has a very deranged sense of humor, working off audience expectations as often as thumbing its nose at its more generic characters. It's easy to see why this movie has survived the years, despite the fact that sometimes it's 60s feel can come off as dated from time to time and it's mostly pulp fiction.

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