Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part Two (1975)
Season 12, Episode 18
"You have the philosophy of a cringing mouse, Tyrum." Great Doctor Who story.
20 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part 2 starts as the Doctor (Tom Baker) realises the only way to save Sarah (Elisabeth Sladen) from the deadly poison is to use the Transmat beam to purge it out of her, together with harry (Ian Marter) he transports them down to the surface of Voga. Once there Sarah & Harry are captured by the inhabitants of the planet & are caught up in an internal war. Meanwhile back aboard the space station Nerva Beacon the Doctor has problems of his own as an unidentified spaceship docks & from which emerge Cybermen who plan to take control & intend to destroy anyone who tries to stop them...

This Doctor Who adventure was episode 18 from season 12 that aired here in the UK during mid 1975, directed by Michael E. Briant I think Revenge of the Cybermen is a great story. The script by Gerry Davis has been all action so far with plenty of gun fights, chases, near misses, traitors, double crosses, deadly plagues & Cybermen. This one is moving along like a rocket & the time has flown by, there's more than enough to one entertained here & while the dialogue is amusing at times it doesn't get bogged down in it & the number of character's are kept to a minimum which also helps. This is great fun, provides lots of entertainment, it is one of my favourite stories & a good way to pass 25 odd minutes.

I am actually rather impressed with the production values here, the alien Vogans themselves look very good, aren't too silly & have decent costumes. I also liked the glowing veins on Sarah's neck which represented symptom's of the plague & the effects on it were good too.

Revenge of the Cybermen has been a great story so far & with two more episodes left I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends.
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