Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part Four (1975)
Season 12, Episode 20
Great Doctor Who story.
21 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part 4 starts as the Doctor (Tom Baker) meets up with his companion Harry (Ian Marter) on the surface of Voga, together they ambush the two Cybermen & manage to disarm the Cyberbombs. Meanwhile Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen) has transported back to the Nerva Beacon where she is captured by the Cybermen aboard & is forced to tell them what she knows, since their original plan failed the Cybermen now plan to fill the Nerva Beacon with Cyberbombs & crash it into Voga thereby still destroying it & it's up to the Doctor to prevent it & save his friends...

This Doctor Who adventure was episode 20 from season 12 that aired here in the UK during mid 1975, directed by Michael E. Briant I really liked this story despite it's slightly bad reputation. The script by Gerry Davis has been good action packed fun & featured my favourite Doctor Who monster in the Cybermen so I guess I'll cut it some slack when it comes to the glaring plot holes. For instance why didn't the Vogans fight the Cybermen with their gold since the entire planet is made of the stuff & since they use it for everything else why didn't they use it to make their bullet's? If, as stated when they use it remove the poison from Sarah, the Transamt beam can only transport living matter how can the Cybermen who are mostly robotic use it? Why does the Cyberleader not just kill the Doctor when he has the chance & why did he let the Doctor tie Sarah up himself? OK so this may not be the most well thought out Doctor Who story ever but what the hell, if you can't take it for what it is good clean sci-fi fun then you shouldn't be watching any Doctor Who stories & you should just stick to boring depressing soap operas.

This has actually looked really good throughout with better than usual production values although there were some pretty bad model shots during this episode, the sets, the location shooting & the newly designed Cybermen are better than expected. Revenge of the Cybermen was the very first Doctor Who story to be released on home video back in 1983 by the BBC where all four parts were edited together like a proper feature film.

Revenge of the Cybermen is another top Tom Baker story, I mean he's worth watching it for alone. Definitely recommended by me & a fine end to Baker's first season.
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