Right up there with 2001: A Space Travesty
23 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As others have noted, there's the seed of a good idea buried deep beneath all the gore in this no-budget alien flick, but the direction and execution of the plot is so bad that it is impossible to enjoy any redeeming features the story might bring to the film. Too many links between early scenes (why the hapless campers seem to survive evisceration by the aliens, for example) and later explanations are so badly linked that the viewer is just left confused.

For all the shortcomings of its structure and exposition, however, its the dispiriting cheapness of it all that drags the film right down to grade-Z level. The sound is appalling: the background music drowns out the dialogue so that it's impossible to hear what the actors are saying without turning up the volume and deafening yourself. The special effects aren't great, but funnily enough, that didn't bother me so much - I'm a child of the sixties, so I grew up with dodgy special effects, and there's no reason why low-budget special effects should detract too much from a well-told story; the washed-out colour in the hospital, however - and 95% of the action takes place there - gets pretty depressing after a while, and the acting is maybe about the same as you'd see at your local amateur dramatics presentation. one last gripe: some of the fight scenes are so badly directed/edited that it is impossible to figure out what is going on at times. Talented directors might do this to give the viewer the impression of being right in there amongst the flying feet and fists, but with this effort I suspect it's solely because the makers don't really know the basics of the art.

Alien abduction: watch the movie or experience the real orifice-probing thing? Mmmm, let me think about it...
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