WHAT a cop out.......
23 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This show had so much potential. Establishment of The Prime Directive, the Klingon war, and the founding of The United Federation Of Planets. As Season 4 was nearing the end the episodes were pretty good, in fact I never really had a problem with this show as it was character driven with a good cast. Going through the other series finales, TOS's Turnabout Intruder, not great but back in the '60s with little or no money it was, as much as can be expected. TNG's All Good Things, mindblowing. The ultimate send off for that show. Not matched since. DS9's what You Leave Behind, brilliant stuff, although left wide open for a sequel that never happened... Voyager, 7 seasons, about ten good episodes. No more to be said. Cop out finale too. But this finale, These Are The Voyages is the stinker of all stinker finales. WHAT were the writers thinking when a TNG story was suggested?? The whole thing was terrible. Not ONE redeeming quality. It ended all a little inconclusively and made Trek look real bad. Watch this at your own peril....
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