Turbo Teen (1984– )
People thought I was crazy too !
24 April 2007
Just like "mckeown" who posted previously, nobody I know seemed to remember this show. They thought I was on something and imagined it all. It didn't help that I couldn't remember the name. I was thinking it was called Teen Machine. Finally, I recently found some info about it online. That gave me the proper title and proof to show people that I wasn't crazy. The show was fun to watch when I was a kid. I was 6 or 7 when it aired. Looking back on it though, it was weird and kind of creepy for a few reasons. Like some of the other posters have already stated. I think the creators are the one's who must have been on something ! Still, I loved the old 80's cartoons. Actually I love almost anything 80's. I've been in a real nostalgic mood lately. It's good to see that I'm not the only one.
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