"To the Dennis, the spoils!"
26 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Penny Hedges takes an embarrassed Bernard to a boutique to get him a new pair of underpants, and here he is reunited with Sharon ( who works there ), Maureen and Dennis, the latter after a new shirt.

Bernard wants to study Sociology at London University. But thanks to a malicious student - whose game of tennis he accidentally spoils - he not only goes to the wrong building, but turns up for class six weeks too early.

Hedges and Penny accompany Dennis to a race where one of the horses in his care is a contender. They celebrate the animal's victory with champagne. Unfortunately, this makes Penny late for work at the airport, and she faces the sack. Unless Bernard can smooth things over...

John Alderton bowed out of 'Please Sir!' in the episode 'The Pruning Of Hedges', broadcast on 25/9/71. Just over a week later, however, he, along with the lovely Jill Kerman as 'Penny', resurfaced in the third instalment of 'The Fenn Street Gang'. Even at this early stage you could tell the show was destined to outlive its parent.

David Bailie, seen as the 'Student', would menace Tom Baker in the 'Dr.Who' classic 'The Robots of Death' in 1976. The late Arthur Borough, best known as 'Mr.Grainger' in 'Are You Being Served', plays a doddery old lecturer. Maggie Henderson ( anyone remember her from the B.B.C. children's show 'Ragtime'? ) crops up briefly as a flight departure announcer whose heavily accented Scottish voice changes to posh English as soon as she gets near a microphone.

Funniest moment - Hedges absentmindedly putting on freshly ironed trousers!
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