Well-made documentary showing the likely underpinnings of the 9/11 atrocity
27 April 2007
Unless you've been living in a bubble, you will be aware that a large number of people are convinced the official story[1] of 911 is balderdash. I'm proud to be one of them. Numerous organizations and researchers have pointed out glaring errors, contradictions, physical impossibilities, falsehoods, and government deceits/coverups including:

• high-level obstruction of discovery of plotters' operations • govt monitoring of hijackers, foreknowledge of attacks • no normal expedited fighter jet intercept of errant planes • war games were in effect in North American skies, 9/11/01 • unknowns made $$$ via puts on stocks affected by attacks • no publicly released evidence of remains of plane victims • no publicly released evidence of plane debris of flight planes • flight recorders alleged damaged but not released publicly • no visual evidence of a 757 (F. 77) having hit the Pentagon • required maneuvers of F. 77 virtually impossible for a 757 • private video recordings of Pentagon confiscated by govt • cellphone conversations from F. 93 incapable at that altitude • debris of F. 93 scattered over several miles, false siting • reports from reputable UK news orgs several hijackers alive • lack of crime investigation; instead 911 Commission "novel" • inability of fuel fires to penetrate fireproofing of WTC steel • inability of fuel fires to weaken/melt steel columns of WTC • no steel-framed building in history has collapsed from fire • building collapses "in place" always = controlled demolition • no other causal mechanism could have collapsed WTC #7 • govt disposes of the WTC structural steel w/o examining

Access this 911truth.org page for or a list of the top 40 reasons to question the official explanation.

Implausible Collapse concerns itself almost exclusively with the latter six bullets. Michael Berger and Rebecca Cerese, with great patience and care, develop the case articulated by Dr. Steven Jones, Professor of Physics from BYU, and others: the most likely cause of the collapse of WTC buildings 1, 2, and 7 is controlled explosive demolition. (Recall WTC 7 is the 47-story building that collapsed in place not having been struck by an airplane.)


For my complete review of this movie and for other movie and book reviews, please visit my site TheCoffeeCoaster.com.

Brian Wright Copyright 2007
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