Gamera is Back (Spoilers Throughout)
29 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been a fan of the older Gamera films, since they were real cheesy compared to the older Godzilla films. The Gamera films of the 90's were great and had a darker tone to it. This is a new Gamera, a mixture of old Gamera with the 90's Films. It starts out with a battle between an old villain of Gamera's, the Gyaos. Now, this Gamera, tough but weak as hell couldn't stand to the challenge and blows himself up. Then thirty years pass to present day in Japan. A man who witnessed Gamera's death is now a grown man with a deceased wife and and son. The son see's a red flashing light on the island where Gamera died, so the kid decides to check out and finds an egg. The egg quickly hatches it and raises and notices he get's unusually bigger and disappears. Then a monster, named Zedus, arrives and causes panic to the town. Then as the boy's father tries to save his son's friend from getting eaten, the once baby turtle is now Gamera and saves the boy's father and friend. Then a battle ensures between the monster and Gamera until the Baby Turtle kicks it's butt and the government step in and take the turtle away. Then Zedus returns to battle Gamera and tries to kill him for good.

This film does drag and we don't see Gamera in his larger stage, it's a little sulcata tortoise running around for the first half-hour. Then when we have action it's pretty much short which is not fun for the older fans of the serious. You can pretty much tell it's aimed at children of like 8 and under. I myself enjoyed it and give it a 7/10.
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