Amazing Stories: You Gotta Believe Me (1986)
Season 2, Episode 5
Do they have to believe him?
29 April 2007
Earl has a nightmare: a plane has crashed near his home (which is near an airport). He sees the dead passengers' ghosts. The pilot's ghost says that there was something on the runway, so he had to take off (too early). Earl drives to the airport to try to prevent the lift-off. When nobody believes him, he becomes more and more desperate in his efforts to convince the crew and the passengers of the danger, so he's arrested eventually. What will happen to the plane?

I liked this episode very much. I think Charles Durning is really good as Earl. The story has a slow pacing. I think the pacing is right because it helps to create an eerie atmosphere. The setting also helps to create this atmosphere; the story is set at night, and there are only a few people at the airport. The basic idea - premonition of a plane crash - might have been the inspiration for the beginning of 'Final Destination' (part 1) (which I think I can recommend (if you haven't seen it yet), especially if you like this episode and the horror genre in general). The best part - in my opinion - is the ending, because it was a surprise for me; I had expected something different.

I usually follow IMDb's advice not to refer to other comments (because they are subject to change or even deletion by the author). But there's another comment (currently) up here that is very interesting in my opinion, under the heading 'An opportunity missed'. I suggest you read that comment, too, but only if you have already seen this episode (it gives away most of the ending). Its author suggests the ending should have been different, and I think the change he (or she) suggests is really interesting. But, as I've said before, I think the ending is very good as it is. (In fact, I had expected the ending to be similar to what the other reviewer suggests. The surprise (or twist) for me was that it was different from that.)

All in all, one of my favourite episodes in this series. If the above sounds interesting to you, see for yourself if you like it, too.
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