WWE Backlash (2007 TV Special)
The best non-WrestleMania PPV in a while
1 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This year's Backlash had all the things I love about Pro Wrestling. The suspense, the emotions and the feeling that anything could happen is what makes wrestling so good and this event had all of that. The last three matches the feeling of anything can happen definitely lived up to itself.

Benoit vs. MVP was a good technical match, maybe not as good as their WrestleMania match, but still, good enough. MVP should become a big star for the future in my opinion.

The ECW handicapped match was alright, but it was the outcome that I really couldn't see coming. I was just like everyone else, expecting Bobby Lashley to kick out of Vince's pin attempt when out of nowhere the referee counted three and Vince was the new champion! I felt the shock waves! The internet 'Smarts' must be turning in their armchairs!

What I think WWECW is doing here is that they want all the internet fans to feel the emotion of utter hatred for Vince, which is what Pro Wrestling is all about, the emotion.

The Last Man Standing match between Undertaker and Batista had a lot of suspense, which really helped me enjoy the match. The legdrop on Batista through the announcer's table was cool, and I saw Batista take a great blow to the head (without putting his hands up) with the steel steps by Undertaker. The ending was definitely one of those 'anything can happen' feelings. But now on for the main event.

The fatal four-way match between John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels was terrific, with bodyslams to the ringside area and a moonsault from Michaels similar to his WrestleMania XX match. After seeing this match (and the Cena-Michaels match on RAW in London), if you still think Cena has no ability then you must be in denial. He did a brilliant top-rope legdrop onto Edge and Orton and the way Cena broke up the double boston on Michaels just speaks for itself. No-one expected the ending and anyone tired of Cena would have felt the frustrations of him winning again and would watch WWE again to see if Michaels could get another shot at the title. This match was all about emotions and entertainment and deserves a 5/5.

All in all an excellent PPV for non-WrestleMania standards. I can't wait to see what happens next with the Cena-Michaels storyline.
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