One Side Of The Story
3 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While this movie goes into great detail to show the police "over reaction" they clearly edit out certain footage to prove their points. While the cops inform the protesters of their rights, they continue to forcibly block hundreds of people. They also incite violence and condemn those who only participated in the non-violent march through downtown Seattle as being turncoats and traitors. Lastly if you look closely at some of the footage, you can clearly see the "peaceful" protesters who are simply "sitting" in the street actually throwing objects, taunting and inciting the police. While this is only seen in the background, is this a coincidence, or was it masterful editing? Like many "documentaries" today, This Is What Democracy Looks Like is interesting, but clearly edits out every instance of something makes the protesters look as radical and violent as they were.
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