Elephants Dream (2006 Video)
Technical Demo
4 May 2007
Having been a user of Blender for a few years, I couldn't wait to see this film. Having recruited the most talented users this was to be Blenders big promotional push to the rest of the cg industry, the expectation was high for something special.

The result is a very mixed affair. Technically this is amazing, very few users have been able to squeeze this kind of performance from the best open source 3d package. Modeling, lighting, texturing, animation, rendering all are very high quality. This brings me onto the obvious and often heard criticism: the story is almost buried under it's own multi-layered highbrow pretentious Art wannabe hopes.

Sadly what should have been accessible and inviting, ironically,instead reflects Blenders UI: unappealing and awkward.

As a film it's a failure, as a HD-DVD tech demo(first in Europe*yawn*) it's great.
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