The Twilight Zone: Walking Distance (1959)
Season 1, Episode 5
Going Home Again
10 May 2007
You know the saying "You can't go home again? Martin Sloan actually does. "Walking Distance" is one of the finest episodes in the entire series.I believe this is one Serling adores and you can tell so much about Serling from his writings. He poses an interesting question here "If you go back in time and meet yourself as a child, what would you say?.I doubt everyones answer would be the same although Martin's would be a popular one. This is a story of a man trying to escape the pressures of his life by going home again. I also have had fantasies such as this. What is it about our childhood that is so sacred? I assume someone with a happy childhood would like it revisited for hedonistic reasons.People who had depressing childhoods would go back with more of a purpose,maybe to correct those things that would cause hardship in the future. Martin Sloan realized he is not that little boy anymore but all of us carry with us that "Inner Child". What a brilliant piece of work.
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