13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film had good intentions I guess, but it didn't really come off that way to me. This film is about a woman who is about to marry a nice guy politician from New York but has to go home and divorce her ex-husband who refuses to sign the papers. The films general message is that success and being rich in life aren't important, having babies, cooking, getting drunk and pottering about doing not much is what life's about. I'm not so arrogant as to say it's a wrong message, I am a lazy person, it agrees with me! But the problem starts with the fact you are supposed to love this up herself girl who comes back and insults her former friends and you just don't find that happening. This film tries to twist and surprise you which it doesn't do and you find her transition, jumpy and forced, instead of a steadily realisation she just seems to wake up or click instantly into this next stage of realisation (after punching a woman in the face.. hmmm.. our heroine suddenly develops a very strong south American accent and this quick transition comes across as purely ridiculous.

You find yourself majorly worried by the immoral (inevitable) walking out on a really nice guy at the altar, who is just supposed to accept that because of Witherspoon's nice smile (which he does "oh my heart's broken I think I am OK with you leaving bye"). Classic old school romantic comedies at least had the decency to make the other man a git, or at least plotting or not wanting to marry her themselves. I would comment on the blatant racist north America south America overtones but I don't really know enough about this to comment. Not bad acting performances from all the cast despite the script and plot.

Life is short but not so short you should avoid watching this film, after all it's a feel good film.
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