Review of D.P.O.

The X-Files: D.P.O. (1995)
Season 3, Episode 3
Live Fast. Diarrhea!
13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
D.P.O. the Limerick:

Darrin Peter Oswald can kill

Any old person he feels

Lighting will strike

Anyone he don't like

And fry them as if on a grill

D.P.O. is a great episode. It is one of the classics that I remember from when I first started watching the show. I love the two major guest stars Giovanni Ribisi and Jack Black. Giovanni is a great actor and I have enjoyed seeing him in other shows and movies. Jack Black is another favorite celebrity and it is fun that he had a guest appearance on The X-Files. The only complaint I have on that is that I wish he could have been part of a comedic episode. But as it is his character was fun to watch and he and Giovanni work great together as the stoner, perma-fried teens. Especially love the scene where Scully first interrogates "Zero". "Oh that was him..." I love the first confrontation with the sheriff how Mulder let's Scully take care of his attacks and then later shows him up by coming out with all the lightning facts that he knows. "See that sheriff? I did my homework." This really sets up the Sheriff's arrogant attitude and he continues to show us how unprofessional he is later when he lets Darrin go simply because he doesn't agree with the Agent's reasons for arresting him instead of simply allowing them to go with their hunches and suspicions. You would think law enforcement would want to assist the FBI but this guy is just plain dumb. At least he gets his in the end.

Another thing that makes this episode great is the soundtrack. "Ring the Bells", "Hey Man Nice Shot", and "Live Fast Diarrhea". I love that the Vandals are also featured here as they are such a great punk/comedic band. This is just one of those episodes where the music just works right into the story perfectly.

Overall I have little bad to say about this episode. If I was to say anything bad I would only say that in my opinion there is a slight lack of the dark and creepy factor that most x-files episodes have. I think this is mainly just because of the fact that while he is dangerous, Darin doesn't look or even act all that dangerous at all. He just seems like another one of those whiny teens that you want to just smack. But overall it is an enjoyable episode to watch and is by far one of the main episodes that I would show to someone I was trying to convert to the show. I give it an 8/10.
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