Road to Bali (1952)
The boys search for sunken treasure
17 May 2007
1952's ROAD TO BALI is my first "road" picture, and I don't think it's the one I should have started with - after all, by 1952, this shtick had to be getting pretty old. I admit to being a fan of Bob Hope, especially in his '40s films; I'm not a particular fan of Bing Crosby as an actor. I'm more a fan of his incredible singing in the early '30s. But having heard a lot about these "road" movies, I wanted to see one.

ROAD TO BALI isn't as highly rated as some of the others. The premise has to do with Bob and Bing, two vaudevillians who escape from Australia to avoid the father of the woman they're both engaged to for some reason. They eventually meet Dorothy Lamour, Bob dives for treasure and is almost killed by a giant squid, and then the three of them plus the treasure head for Bali. Along the way, there's music, corny jokes and beautiful women. The scene where a widowed ape decides Bob is her next mate is very funny ("Why am I always attracted to young widows?" he asks), and there are a few more laughs along the way. Just not enough.

Dorothy Lamour is lovely and has a great figure. Many years ago, a friend of mine was in a revue where Lamour was scheduled to appear. Everyone looked for her, ignoring the old lady in the corner, who turned out to be Lamour. When costumes and makeup got through with her, she looked exactly as she did in the Road pictures. Good for her. I look forward earlier installments of this series.
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