Heroes: Chapter Twenty-One 'The Hard Part' (2007)
Season 1, Episode 21
The Hard Part is interesting filler before final two episodes of Heroes
20 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hiro and Ando arrive at Issac's apartment to find him dead. They overhear Sylar (he had just talked to Mohinder on the phone about his worry of killing thousands of New Yorkers he just painted of) coming and hide behind a painting. Sylar hears their heartbeats and quickly closes in on them but they disappear just in time. As he leaves, Hiro and Ando follow him to his mother's (Ellen Greene) house in New Jersy. Comforting at first, when Gabriel (Sylar's actual name) gives his mother a New York snow globe and makes it move around her, it violently hits her and she rejects him as her son. He then stabs her which makes Hiro freeze the moment as he uses his sword to kill him but then Sylar unfreezes back and attempts to kill Hiro at which point Ando rushes to his friend as he and Hiro disappear leaving Sylar alone. Back to where they were in the start of the episode, Hiro sword is now broken. Peter attempts to change Clarie's mind about going to Paris as he tells her about how he ends up destroying New York with his fire making methods and Claire tells him about Ted who has the same abilities. Peter didn't know about him and he and she tell Nathan who promises to contact the FBI. Instead, he calls Linderman and goes to Thompson as they're unknowingly discovered by Peter and Claire. D. L. and Jessica phase into Las Vegas to rescue Micah who is slowly realizing he's not with his mother. As he attempts to escape without detection, he keeps coming to the same apartment in different places as the shape-sifting Candace reveals herself and threatens Micah to stay. Thompson leads Mohinder to a girl named Molly who has the same abilities as Mohinder's late sister: that of tracking down other special-powered people. His father had discovered a cure for a disease that was too late to save his daughter so Mohinder hopes to use it in time to save Molly. As Peter and Claire walk through New York, they encounter Parkman, Ted, and Claire's adopted father HRG as Peter's hands start to light up...Interesting if not always very exciting, this episode seems to partially be filler for the final two seasonal installments. The most interesting parts concerned Sylar, Hiro, and Ando. Hope the D.L./Niki-Jessica/Micah connection comes soon. There's gotta be some real action in the final two eps. Still, I can wait for a while...
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