Invest the time, get a reward
21 May 2007
You've probably read the glowing remarks about this film, so I won't be too repetitious. The film moves slowly along and where the story is going to take us isn't revealed for a while. It's like peeling the onion but with rewards in each layer. I was thinking about differentiating here but, as does the onion, this film also brings tears.

I liked the way we find out that our protagonist is from Denmark and has a past that drove him away and into a new life. He is certainly more of a giving human being that when he left the country. The story then follows a course that to a large degree his former life created.

One of the aspects I especially enjoyed in the film is the use of some Dogme 95 rules. It's not a Dogme film but the director makes good use of many parts of that approach. The camera is hand held and it's use here made me feel more involved with the characters. The use of available light made the film much more beautiful and warm. One of the good results of the Dogme use here is that the director has made a film that, even for its' slow pace, dispenses with non-important fluff that would most certainly have been added if it had been made in the USA. There was a reason for every scene.

So be prepared for a slow paced film loaded with beauty and revelation. You'll be rewarded with a wonderful film experience. Prior to seeing it I had thought Pan's Labyrinth would win an Oscar, but not anymore. Then I saw The Lives of Others and moved both of the films down a notch. They were my top three films of 2006, in fact none of my top three were American made. What a year for imports!
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