Gargoyles (1972 TV Movie)
Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. It still gives chills.
23 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For it's time, this was a very good movie. I saw it again recently, and the gargoyle attack scenes still give me chills. Now that I'm older and have taken film classes in college, and worked in theatre and TV, I know why. The music, and sound effects (squeaks, and breathing of the gargoyles) create a very eery atmosphere in the attack scenes. And, the use of slow motion, and camera blurring effects really makes the hair on your neck stand up. There is very little actual violence in the movie, save for a bloody truck seat, and poor Mrs. Parks (Grayson Hall, was a fan since her Dark Shadows days) hanging upside down from the telephone pole. But, the idea of the violence going on off camera lets your imagination fly. I loved the use of a compressor on Bernie Casey's voice. Great work all around, and a great movie that stands the test of time. I give it a 9 out of 10.
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