How to Stop an Exploding Man an excellent season finale for Heroes
26 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As scenes from the last 22 episodes are flashed on screen, Mohinder narrates about purposes. Hiro searches for Ando who took the sword and is seeking Sylar. Hiro's father reluctantly agrees and gives his son his own sword. In Issac's apartment, Ando finds Sylar and attempts to kill him. Sylar banishes him to a window and tries to cut his head off just as Hiro teleports there and eventually succeeds in transferring himself and Ando back to their Japanesse offices where he leaves Ando with his own sword and takes his father's with him back to New York. Mohinder and HRG are pointing guns at each other as little tracker girl Molly looks under a bed and recognizes a passed out Matt Parkman as the cop who saved her way back. Matt vouches Molly's character as all three use her to identify Sylar's whereabouts. Peter takes Claire back to his brother-and her bio-father-Nathan who, in private with Peter, tries to talk him into keeping Claire out of the situation. When Peter refuses he goes back to find Clarie gone. As he searches, Peter teleports from one place to another and, as he passes out, finds himself back to when he was a nurse caring for Charles Deveraux who is visited by mother Petrelli and his daughter Simone who meets Peter for the first time. After past Peter leaves Charles and Mrs. Petrelli, current Peter overhears his mother and Mr. Deveraux discuss the upcoming bombing and debate the merits of the Petrelli brothers. After his mother leaves, Peter is startled to hear Charles acknowledge his current self's presence and asks if he's dreaming or traveling through time. Charles says it doesn't matter and there is a reason for everything. At this point, Peter is awoken by HRG, as they prepare to go to the top of the Kirby building to stop Sylar. It's here that we find out HRG's-Mr. Bennet's-first name is Noah. In that building, Niki is propping bullet-ridden D.L. and leaves him at elevator promising to come back. She searches a room where she finds Candace-as-Jessica waiting to beat her. During the fight, Jessica in a broken mirror glass reveals to Niki she's not fighting her and convinces her to knock Candace out. She does as Candace turns to her real self. Micah, who was lying on the floor this whole time, vanishes as Niki hears his voice and opens to find him locked in a closet. They then leave to find D.L. It's at this point that Molly senses Sylar nearby as Mohinder and Matt leave to go to the elevator where Micah and Niki have arrived toward D.L. Molly tells Micah the elevator doesn't work but with his hand Micah fixes it as they all go to the top of the building. Up there, Peter and Sylar duke it out with Matt and Hiro helping out. Matt gets his bullets thrown back at him while Hiro's sword goes through Sylar's stomach but not enough to keep Sylar from throwing Hiro off the roof. Peter's hands are still lighting up, however, as he begs Claire to shoot him. Just then, Nathan appears and flies Peter off into space as the explosion detonates far, far, away. Mohinder, as narrator, sums it all up as "End of Volume One" prints on screen. Then we're in a grass hill as "Volume Two, Generations" is printed. Hiro lands here in what is 17th century Japan about to be surrounded by some samurai. Fade to black as the screen says for the last time this season, "To Be Continued"...A mostly wow finish with Claire going out the window several feet above then regenerating once again on ground one of the coolest effects ever. Loved seeing Richard Roundtree and George Takei again. Also loved seeing Niki hit Sylar with the parking meter. Maybe some inconsistencies but very enjoyable season finale nonetheless. Hope to be back next season. Until next time...
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