25 May 2007
The initial screenplay did not contain the character Kurn, who was added later as a compromise. The original script had the Enterprise being lured to an ambush by three Klingon ships loyal to Duras. The idea for the script came from the fact that Star Trek archivist, Richard Arnold, was a descendant of Benedict Arnold. Richard Arnold had told me that while Benedict Arnold became a general in the British Army, his sons were never allow to join for the simple reason that their father was a known traitor and it was feared they would be also. "Sins..." was the first script to take place (in part) on the Klingon's home-world, Klinga. It is also the only episode of any of the various Star Trek series to win an Emmy and was one of Ron D. ("Battlestar Galactica") Moore's first staff assignments for ST:TNG. At the time, I thought he did a great job. In hindsight, I probably couldn't have hoped for anyone better to do the re-write.
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