Angel: Inside Out (2003)
Season 4, Episode 17
Evil and pregnant? I'm guessing it ain't cookies
27 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Evil and pregnant? I'm guessing it ain't cookies - Definitely among my top 10 episodes of the show, I don't think the show ever produced a more darker episode. Where to begin with the good? Well, I never really knew how I felt about 'Skip', I found him funny but never really bought him being a 'good guy'. I was pretty happy when he did in fact turn out to be one of the bad guys, it worked better and gave him some pretty awesome scenes. His death has to be one of my favorites, 'Wes' is just so amazing with his guns - Well, that can't be right. The best scenes of course, were the 'Connor' ones. 'CordEvila' kept manipulating him because he was still not convinced why the gang had tried to 'kill' her. Eventually she made him bring a girl as sacrifice, because that was the only way to bring the 'baby' before 'Angel' would find them. Julie Benz appeared as, well, 'Darla's ghost and kept telling 'Connor' not to kill the girl. Most disturbing part of the episode was when the girl got her throat cut by evil mama and her blood splattered all over 'Connor's face, and he saw an image of his dead mother. 'Angel' came in at the last minute, ready to kill 'Cordy' for the sake of the world (She was going to die either way *cries*) but was too late and some ebony-type goddess came out of 'Cordy', it was Gina Torrest! Amazing episode all around, I wish 'Connor' would have had more scenes with 'Darla'. CONNOR: Why'd you leave me? Did you hate me that much? DARLA: Baby, no. I wanted to be with you more than anything. CONNOR: You killed yourself. I wasn't even born yet. And you... DARLA: ...did what I had to. My life for yours. I did so many terrible things, Connor, so much destruction, so much pain. You were the one good thing I ever did. The only good thing. I'd die every day for the rest of eternity for you. And this... is how you repay me? CONNOR: You don't understand. We need her for our baby to keep it safe. DARLA: By anointing it in the blood of an innocent? You really think that safety can be plucked from the arms of an evil deed? CONNOR: Good, evil. They're just words. DARLA: Don't let this happen, Connor. Don't let my death mean nothing. (10 out of 10)
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