Starcrossed (1985 TV Movie)
StarCrossed the made for TV movie
28 May 2007
This movie reminded me of another alien romance move called "My stepmother is an alien" which was at least very funny. Overall this is a slow moving alien romance movie where alien girl meets boy and both are chased by evil alien dudes. The acting was good and the special effects was interesting at times. The ending left you hanging. Questions like, what did the boy do with his newly acquired alien mental powers? Did they have an alien kid as a results of their one night stand? What did the FBI do to the boy once they caught him in the end? Oh well, these questions will always linger. The lack of availability of this movie on DVD speaks volumes for its lack of popularity. You may luck out and see it on cable one day. Is it worth seeing? Sure it is, but be sure to have a pillow near by to crash on during the film.
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