Please Sir!: Please Give Generously (1972)
Season 4, Episode 18
Charity Begins At Fenn Street!
30 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Fenn Street School has raised a surprisingly large amount of money for charity as the result of a sponsored walk. Mr.Cromwell plans to hand it over to a bigwig named Sir Giles at a special ceremony.

Then disaster strikes - the money goes missing from Cromwell's safe.

Being the sort of person he is, Potter immediately suspects a pair of Irish builders currently working on the premises.

In actual fact, the thief is Terry, protesting at being made to walk such a long distance for no reward. But he loses the money too...

Quite a good episode this ( penned by Rowley and Baker ) in which all the cast members are put to good use, even Mr.Hurst. There's a neat twist at the end too. 'Sir Giles' is played by Lockwood West, father of Timothy. Overall it feels like a throwback to the style of earlier seasons, and suggests that the changes were at last starting to work. Pity it happened too late to save the show.

Funniest moment - Miss Petting fainting as the money is discovered to be missing.
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