A study of intolerance and how to battle it.
3 June 2007
"Mild Spoilers" Not your usual boy and his dog type of movie "Son of Rusty" is about how we treat those whom we feel are not that hip to what we're all about and at the same time not at all bothering to put ourselves into their shoes in order to see what's really bothering them.

Jed Barlow is not at all that likable of a person when he first comes to Lawtonville to live in the Old Gurber Farm that he purchased outside of town. Not at all that talkative and only having a dog, Barb, as a friend it becomes rumored by some of the townspeople that he has something very sinister to hide.This all comes to the surface when he receives a letter from a federal prison that he was just released from.

The talk starts to swirl around town about Barlow being dishonorably discharged from the military after serving time behind bars. As a result he's not wanted in town by the town elders and all this was started by a number of youngsters who saw the address, that was forwarded back to Barlow in Lawtonville, that the letter had on it as Barlows previous residence; the federal pen. Spreading around town like wildfire the rumor that Barlow was no good and a danger to everyone made him an almost wanted and marked man to everyone who came in contact with him. Only Danny Mitchell and his dog Rusty had anything to do with the friendless, mostly because of himself, Barlow seeing through the false rumors that's been going around town about him which in effect brought the best of of the troubled young veteran who for once opened up and tried to be social with them. Later even Danny's friendship with Barlow turned sour when he almost killed Danny's dog Rusty in him exploding a tree stump on his property not realizing that the dog was nearby. It was earlier in the movie that both Danny and Rusty came to Barlow's rescue when, after his dog Barb came running for help to the Mitchell home, he came down with a bout of deadly malaria that he contracted in the Pacific Theater of War.

Finding a reason to kick Barlow out of town in that his using explosives was somehow against the towns ordinances he's put on trial where it was hoped that all his dirty laundry would be would be brought out into the open. In the end the only dirty laundry that was exposed to the light of day was the intolerance of those who so um mercifully persecuted Barlow by the rumors that they spread all over town about him.

A fine lesson in what intolerance is all about and a pretty good civic lesson as well on the part of the town Counselor Franklyn P. Gibson who took on Barlow's case. Gibson showed how ignorance and mob mentality could lead to those who practice it in becoming even worse that the person whom, in believing the false rumors, they directed it against like the innocent Jed Barlow.

As for Rusty he found love and happiness in his new girlfriend, Jed Barlow's dog, Barb who together had a litter of puppies. Who one of the cuddly and cute little darlings were given by Danny, who hired him, to Franklyn P. Gibson as his fee for successfully defending Jed Barlow after seeing just how wrong he was about his new friend and neighbor.
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