Winsor McCay's How a Mosquito Operates shows how something made 95 years ago can still be effective now
4 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As a person who doesn't normally watch horror films but has taken in some once in awhile and, while somewhat scared, was also entertained enough to not be too grossed out, I found Winsor McCay's How a Mosquito Operates a little mind-frightening enough to think if I was still an under-12 kid watching this for the first time, I'd walk out of the room! Seeing the bottom of this creature grow every time he sucks some blood out of this human man who's just trying to sleep seriously gives me the creeps! And that ending when he explodes after draining too much blood! Aaargh! Other than that, this was one of the most compelling and unique animation films made in the early 20th century and it shows that not everything made way before I was born can seem so old-fashioned. So to anyone who's wondered if things made way before your time can seem so quaint and old hat, watch this and see if this doesn't blow your mind!
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