Doctor Who: The Family of Blood (2007)
Season 3, Episode 9
5 June 2007
This episode's plot starts out with some of the usual sci-fi "fluff" but ends in some of the most powerful writing I believe I've ever seen.

Do yourself a favor and watch this episode. Excellent doesn't begin to describe it. It is remarkable in the same vein as "The Lion King"'s final moments. Marvelous.

DVD_Connoisseur writes that this is the stuff of legends and he/she is absolutely right.

The episode cuts to the heart of exactly how lonely, and thoroughly *dangerous* the Doctor can be. The kind of danger that presents itself to a human being swimming next to a whale. If the whale turns, the human being can be destroyed without having been noticed.

Very dark, extremely serious, but thoroughly entertaining, and thought-provoking. What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be a Time Lord?
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