Good stuff provided you actually LIKE to hear Alfalfa sing!
10 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty cute and typical Our Gang comedy from Hal Roach Studios and it features the more commonly remembered gang members--Alfalfa, Spanky, Buckwheat and Darla. The film started off on a cute note as the three boys were discussing how they hate all the "mush" surrounding Valentine's Day at their school. As a result, they decide to create the "He-man Woman Haters Club" and all take a vow to hate women and have nothing to do with them. Only seconds later, Darla comes by and bats her eyes at Alfalfa--who comes running like a whipped dog! The boys are mad at Alfalfa and so they decide to get even. All this is kinds of cute but ends on a supposedly hilarious scene where Alfalfa sings and soap bubbles come pouring out of his mouth. As for me, I hate it when the Falf-meister sings, so I'm knocking off a point--this was a gag used too often in their shorts and I could have done without this. Otherwise, a very good and watchable film.

PS--If this all seems familiar, it's because this plot was the basis for the Li'l Rascals movie (1994).
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