Shocked to Discover the Vitally Important Truth
14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am well educated and well read. I THOUGHT I was politically engaged and paying very close attention to the National and World News ... but I was shocked in December 2006 when I stumbled across my first 9/11 Truth website and began reading what these very knowledgeable and thoughtful experts in their fields had to say.

Like I said ... I thought I was paying close attention ... but I was duped along with the overwhelming majority of people in this country. Our government and scariest of all perhaps ... our so-called "Free Press" ... the Corporate Media has collaborated to help cover up the most heinous crime in our Nation's history.

It is VITAL that as many people as possible see documentaries like this one ... and tell everyone they know to start asking questions. Time is short and our Democracy depends on people learning the Truth.
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