Very good movie. I was pleasantly surprised.
16 June 2007
I didn't plan to see this film. I got an email from a friend who was going to see it at a film festival in Ludwigshafen, so I tagged along. I had no idea what it was going to be about and expected the worst. It was actually quite good. I don't know German well enough to tell if they are saying their lines correctly, but there were subtitles which helped me out a lot. The mom spoke very fast and I probably wouldn't have caught a lot of the dialogue otherwise. Besides the speech the acting was very good, although the characters could have smiled a bit more; I think there were a few scenes that this was possible. The daughter was very cute and they teased too much with showing her in underwear, but never anything more. Schade. I wasn't too thrilled with the ending. I don't know why the mom would encourage her daughter like that. Despite a few problems with and with a few camera angles(More Long shots to establish the scene please), I really liked this movie, especially in comparison to a lot of other low budget German films. I hope this gets a wide release. I could see it doing well in the US as well.
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