SunFlowers N Ghosts! Oh My!
21 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK! So, The Messengers is somewhat predictable if not completely, however it provides good enough chills and some character development. It is not full of scares but more suspense. There is a plot, a horrific event, a dilapidated farm, a family that is not trusting of each other and trying desperately to regain that trust, and then enter otherworldly phenomenon to further the gap between them. The daughter is distant with guilt and the young son cannot speak due to a past event that is later explained. The mother tries to be caring and close and the father is determined for everything to work between them. This is one of those horror movies that the entire family can sit through and watch, with the possible exception of anyone younger than nine. It is pretty much sexual free and graphic violence is at the very minimal. The ending is just what I needed in a horror film after seeing so many that provide the same dismal bleak overcast finales of shock. There is something compassionate in the Pang brothers films and although they my not have scripted this one it shows in their direction. I really recommend this film and accept it for what it is. Clichés, yes. Predictable, yes and no. Good acting, yes. Scary, moderately. Suspenseful, yes. See it, yes.
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