In This House of Brede (1975 TV Movie)
"To try my vocation as a Benedictine...
23 June 2007
in this House of Brede". Thirty-two years after I first saw this movie as a 15 year old, I still remember Philippa's answer to the old nun's question, "what do you seek here?" as she first enters her novitiate.

Although not Catholic and just barely Protestant, I've always been fascinated in a romantic way with nun stories. Song of Bernadette, Black Narcissus, Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison, A Change of Habit, The Trouble with Angels. (Oddly enough, I've never even been curious about A Nun's Story.) Although I don't remember this movie well, I do remember certain scenes very clearly: Dame Philippa's entrance to the order, her having to avert her eyes while bathing, the young nun singing as she dusts the choir loft, Dame Philippa absent-mindedly expressing out-loud her desire for a cigarette, and her saying good-bye to the man that loved her prior to her embracing the order.

I did attempt to read the book, years later, and found myself, as another person wrote above, "waiting for the movie to start." I've not seen this on TV in years, if ever, since the first showing back in the 70s. But I will see it again some day...So I guess I do recommend it.
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