The Munsters: Bats of a Feather (1965)
Season 1, Episode 20
Grandpa Nearly Becomes An Astronaut
25 June 2007
Everyone goes "bats" in this episode involving Eddie, Grandpa and Igor, the family pet bat. A number of things happen here, most of them funny as Eddie wants to impress everyone at the school Pet Fair.

Out of elimination, Igor the Bat winds up as the choice for the pet Eddie will bring to the fair, but Igor's feelings get hurt when Herman insults him, and he flies out the window. Grandpa then takes his place!

Things get complicated when Grandpa, disguised as the bat, gets "traded" to several kids and then winds up in laboratory in Washington, where the plan is to send him up into space and another experimental animal!

Can the Munsters get him back before he gets sent into space?

Watching the bat go nuts listening to the scientists was humorous, as were a few other incident things in here, such as......

Grandpa reading a book called, "How To Make Friends In Your Home Workshop and Lab."

"I bet I'll be the only kid at school with a real, live honest-to-goodness Transylvanian bat!- Eddie

"Wow, what a neat pet" a kid at school (Note: one of the kids is the brother of Jerry Mathers, star of "Leave It To Beaver.")

"I know I wouldn't want to go out in public looking grotesque." - Herman.

"You know, there is something strange, Lily. Before we took off, this plane was full of people."

The stewardess wearing a parachute after serving the Munsters a meal.
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