Batman: The Animated Series: Nothing to Fear (1992)
Season 1, Episode 10
'The Scarecrow' Makes People Face Their Worst Fears
30 June 2007
Here's another cool villain, "The Scarecrow," who is an ex-professor of psychology. (No wonder he's nuts.) Anyway, things didn't go well for him at the local university, so he's paying them back with terrorist attacks. His gimmick is a smoke-bomb in which people who inhale it suddenly face their worst fears. So, if it's rats or spiders or parental rejection - whatever your greatest fear - it will consume you, while 'The Scarecrow" does whatever he wants to do.

With Batman, his fear is more psychological: fear of his father's rejection.

This was another entertaining show with nice Deco art and a cool-looking villain. Alfred the butler also had some humorous remarks. It kind of freaks me out knowing Efrem Zimbalist Jr. is voicing that character, as I still associate that actor from his glory days as a television star way back in the 1950s and 1960s.
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