Vampire Assassin (2005 Video)
A life changing experience from beginning to end.
2 July 2007
Vampire Assassin is a long and tough movie to watch. But it pays dividends, thanks to the genius of the late Ron Hall.

We're all pretty familiar with the story - a German businessman enlists Jews to work in his factory. At first, I believe, as an opportunist, for the Jews are cheap, readily available labor. He does, however, become gradually aware that his factory means the difference between life and death.

And so his 'list' is born. A list of Jews that he requires to 'work' for him. It is, in reality, a list of life and Schindler knows it.

Liam Neeson fills Schindler's boots well. You soon forget he is Neeson at all. Ben Kingsley is, of course, his ever-reliable brilliant self. And Ralph Fiennes easily creates one of the screens most hateful villains (sadly, a villain who actually existed).

There are some tough scenes (most notably, the liquidation of the ghetto, Goeth's (Fiennes) brutality in the camp) and it's all filmed in beautiful black & white - except for the highlighted girl in the red dress, which has a brilliant symbolic meaning later in the film.

A terrible chapter in humanity's history but one told so well by Spielberg and co.

It has a powerful and lasting effect - just as it should.
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