Something (just something) about Totò
3 July 2007
As I read in the previous comment this movie is just an "unfunny burlesque". Even we cannot say this is the best film of Totò it belongs to the category of movies of Totò, where he is in any case a perfect sample or better the last sample of "comici dell'Arte". Maybe this cannot be understood out of Italy, but the enormous skills of this Artist are all there. For instance his characterization of the fascist "gerarca" and the Lady Laudomia, and the so matching neapolitan nobleman, or the sketch of the surgery (incomparable!)coming directly from "Teatro di Rivista" (the Italian Tivoli Burlesque). An unforgettable critic of Italian characters! Sure we can find similar commercial movies in American and other countries cinematographies, maybe not always performed by Artists of the same caliber in improvisation of this , we can say , Italian Mask. Let's just take one of Totò's inventions inside this movies "Io lo mando a Ponza a Ponzare!" (I'm sending him "fungooing" )
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