Just Imagine (1930)
Truly one of a kind
3 July 2007
A man (El Brendel)is (for some reason) frozen alive. He is resurrected in the far flung future of 1980 (!!!) Here everybody drives airplanes (cars don't exist), streetlights hang in the air by themselves, people wear reversible clothes (don't ask) and if you want a baby you just put a coin in a slot and one comes out! Also people no longer have names--they're identified by a combo on letters and numbers. Basically we get to see all those "wonders" with Brendel and hear his groaningly bad "jokes". Oh yeah and it's a musical!

I caught this back in 1985 at a revival cinema. At first there was scattered laughter at how 1980 was supposed to look. But eventually the audience sat there in stunned silence. The plot was stupid, the songs pretty terrible (I won't even comment on the dancing) and El Brendel's jokes were so bad you wanted to hurt him. I heard this had an incredible effect on audiences of 1930--but not anymore. I do applaud the movie for actually being the first science fiction musical but it's really a terrible film. You sort of watch it in stunned fascination about how truly bad a film can be. A 1 all the way.
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